Once upon a time, I had the idea to do a little microblog...
I'd post vague little posts about what I was working on; it'd be in chronological order, but scroll you to the bottom of the page when you arrived so you'd see the latest content first; it'd basically be a snarky commentary on whatever I was doing that day/hour/minute.
I never really posted much to it. Nearly all of the posts came while I was designing a remote application authorization system at Popcap Games in 2008. Then it sat idle until a single post in 2014. And I've never touched it since.

Rather than start yet another blog on yet another domain, I'm going to retire the old tithonium.us website, and replace it with a new Ghost blog. So, here we are.
Maybe I'll restart my old daily-post thing that I used to do on Livejournal.