
Another electrician to quote the work we need done.

Back hurts.

Work shenanigans. Feel slightly better about them after talking to an english/management translator.

Gave up trying to run Plex Media Server on the Drobo. It just doesn't have the horsepower to cope. So instead I'm going to try mounting the Drobo to Mirfak (the mac mini) and running plex there. Already going better, but indexing my media collection takes FOREVER. Found a script to sync watched state from the old db on Antares at least.

Spent two hours on the phone with Pillpack trying to reactivate my account. Went thru all of my medications, then their system crashed. Apparently my account is so old and has been dormant so long that it doesn't play well with their updated systems. So we got to do it all again.

DTF for dinner. And probably tomorrow. Maybe lunch too.

Trying a different way of mounting the atomic pis to the board, but I don't think it's going to work. Already preparing for plan C.